Air Pollution Levels
The level of pollution in your area can also influence how often you should change your air filter. If there's high levels of pollution in your area - such as near a busy highway or industrial plant - then it's likely that you'll need to replace your filter more regularly than if there were lower levels of pollution around where you live.

Replacing Your Air Filter
When it comes time to replace your air filter, make sure that it is suitable for use with your HVAC system. Check both the size and type recommended by its manufacturer before changing it out so that everything runs smoothly afterwards. It's important to remember that regular replacement will ensure that all components within the HVAC system continue working efficiently.

Changing out an old or dirty air filter is essential for maintaining good indoor quality in any home environment. The frequency with which this needs doing depends on several factors such as type, size, and local levels of pollution. By following these guidelines and replacing regularly, homeowners can ensure their HVAC systems remain running optimally.