Tackling Troubles with Air Conditioners

When the temperature rises, air conditioners are a great way to keep your home cool and comfortable. Unfortunately, like all appliances, air conditioners can experience issues over time. To maintain your AC system in top shape and running efficiently, it is important to recognize and address any problems that arise.

Clogged Filters

One of the most common issues with air conditioners is a dirty or blocked filter. The filter in an AC unit is designed to capture dust, dirt, and other particles so they don't enter the system and cause damage. If the filter isn't changed regularly, it can become clogged with debris, which will reduce the amount of air flowing through the system. This will make your AC work harder to cool down a room, resulting in higher energy bills as well as a shorter lifespan for your unit.

To prevent this from happening, you should check and change your air filter every month or two.

Refrigerant Leaks

Another common problem with air conditioners is refrigerant leaks. Refrigerant helps transfer heat from inside your home to outside, but if there is a leak in the system, it can lead to decreased cooling capacity as well as increased energy costs. It can also damage other components of the unit, so if you suspect a refrigerant leak, it's important to have it fixed right away by an HVAC technician.

Frozen Evaporator Coils

The evaporator coils in an AC are responsible for absorbing heat from inside your home, but if these coils become too cold, they can freeze up, which will stop them from working properly. This will result in decreased cooling capacity as well as higher energy bills.

To prevent this issue, make sure that you clean out your air filter regularly and ensure there is enough airflow around the indoor unit. You should also have your system serviced by an experienced HVAC technician on a regular basis.

Thermostat Issues

The thermostat plays an essential role in any air conditioning system, so if it isn't working correctly, then this could cause all sorts of problems with your unit, such as not being able to accurately measure temperatures inside of your home.
If you think there may be something wrong with your thermostat, then you should get it checked out by a qualified technician, who will be able to diagnose any issues and make sure that everything runs smoothly.

Leaky Ductwork

Ductwork carries cooled air from an AC into different rooms within a house, but if there are holes or cracks present, then this could lead to decreased cooling capacity along with higher energy bills.
If you think that there may be some sort of leakage within ductwork, then you should have it inspected by someone who specializes in HVAC systems. They'll be able to locate any leaks or damage before making necessary repairs.


Air conditioners are great for keeping homes cool during hot summer months, however, like all appliances, they may experience problems over time. By recognizing these issues early on, one can ensure their AC runs smoothly while remaining efficient.